General Terms
Welcome to the Monoticket online ticket/mediation portal
The present General Conditions (hereinafter "Conditions") regulate the use of the Internet portal (hereinafter, the "Portal") of the company MONOTICKET, S.L., with address for these purposes in Calle Laguna del Marquesado, nº10 Nave 1 28021 (Madrid) CIF number: B87524237, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid Inscribed Volume 34601, Book 0, Folio 111, Section 8, Sheet M 622498, Inscription 1 Contact email: of the website and with the telephone number 910 132 173.
The “Monoticket Service” refers to any service provided by the Website, including participation in any of the chat rooms, promotions or any other service offered to users. In order to use the Internet portal, the user must comply with the steps and formalities that must be followed in the transaction processes of titles among the particular users of the Portal.
The use of the services of the Portal attributes the status of User of the Portal (hereinafter, the "User") implying the full acceptance of the provisions included in this document, at the moment in which the User accesses the Portal. MONOTICKET S.L., reserves the right to modify at any time the Conditions of use of the portal, in which case it will give sufficient notice to the Registered Users and will proceed to publish these conditions in its new version. The subsequent use of the Portal by the Users after said modification will imply the unequivocal acceptance of these. In case the User does not accept the changes to our Conditions, you can end the relationship with the Portal without making use of it or closing the User account.
Accessing the Portal and browsing its contents will be free. When the User uses the Mediation Services offered by MONOTICKET S.L. they will be subject to meeting the fees determined in these Conditions.
Mediation service of tickets/securities
MONOTICKET SL is a mediator for the transaction of securities (hereinafter “the Service”) between the legitimate holders of one or more securities with access rights to public events and shows (hereinafter “ticket”), who are interested and authorised to assign them to a third party for free or onerously (hereinafter, and for descriptive purposes only, “sellers”), and those interested in becoming assignees or purchasers of such titles (hereinafter, and for descriptive purposes only, “buyers”).
This mediation contraction binds the Users of the Service bilaterally with MONOTICKET S.L., with the latter remaining outside the contractual relationship established between buyers and sellers. MONOTICKET S.L. does not have legal property rights nor do they transfer these rights to the sellers and buyers. MONOTICKET S.L. does not own, possess or hold an of the securities referred to in the previous paragraph, nor does it does it assign, own, sell, purchase, lease or transfer any property or possession of these, limiting itself to provide the availability of these to the Users of the Portal’s Services, in order to facilitate tickets transactions and the economic management of these. MONOTICKET S.L., does not guarantee that these will be carried out effectively, leaving the conclusion of the transactions to the free will of buyers and sellers. By accepting these conditions, the Users exempt MONOTICKET S.L. from any liability not imposed by Law, derived from the transaction carried in the Portal as a result of the relationship between the buyer and the seller, the latter being obliged to provide correct, complete and accurate information of the published tickets, as well as the ability of the sellers to sell the goods.
1. User Registration
1.1. User Obligations and Requirements:
Remaining as a User of the Portal requires the previous subscription, where the General Conditions will be accepted. Only those natural persons, of legal age and with full legal capacity can register by previously providing the data that MONOTICKET, S.L. requests in the registration form (name and surname, e-mail address, mobile phone number).
This data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy and data protection Policy, which can be consulted on the Privacy Policy page.
The User may not use the portal to transmit, store, disseminate, promote or distribute data or content that carry viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or impair the operation of any program or computer or telecommunication equipment.
1.2. User name and password:
When the user completes the access form, the user is assigned a username, which matches the email address provided in the registration form, and an access password that can be modified by the user. Said user is solely responsible for maintaining the security and privacy of his username and password and will be responsible for any action that is taken by virtue of his username or password.
1.3 Veracity of information:
All the information provided by the User through the registration process must be accurate, exact and complete as it will be the responsibility of the User to keep it updated. To these effects, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data that he or she communicates as a result of completing the necessary forms for the subscription or use in transactions of the Service. In this way, the sole User will be responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages of any kind that may affect MONOTICKET, S.L., or third parties as a consequence of any information provided.
1.4 Ticket Sales
- Placing tickets for sale: When the seller offers his or her tickets for sale on the Website, he or she must assume additional responsibilities with regards to other potential buyers. If they are football tickets, it is important to specify if they are seats for the local team or the visiting team.
- The valid credit or debit card that the user must provide when registering as a Member shall constitute as a guarantee of the accuracy and completeness of the information he or she offers with regards to the tickets he or she places for sale as well as regarding any breach of his or her obligation to deliver the tickets to the buyer once these have accepted the offer of the seller. If, for any reason, the sale contract that the seller has entered with the buyer is not fulfilled, there will be certain circumstances under which MONOTICKET, S.L. can charge money to the seller's credit or debit card, or in the seller's outstanding balance. This credit or debit card must have an expiration date after the date of the event for which you are selling an entry.
- Price: The seller can place tickets for sale at a price that does not include service and shipping costs (which will be calculated and added to the buyer’s order automatically on the final price shown on the purchase page).
2. Additional securities/ticket information
The User, who has the purpose of offering a ticket, must make it public in the Portal, bearing in mind at all times the need to provide all the information for the purchase of these, giving the most detailed and complete information. This information includes the name, the date, the location at all times and the location and place of the event.
The user must determine the possible restrictions that the ticket may have as well as the established price.
The method of collection, the expiration date and the amount of the transaction must be determined.
The forms of payment will be those that are determined in the form of sale offered by the Portal.
2.1. Offer Publication:
The publication of an offer grants MONOTICKET, S.L. the non-exclusive right to publish the offer on different owned websites.
The publication of the offer implies that the seller must complete the transaction and suppose a formalization of the terms specified in the publication.
2.2. Term of validity of the offers.
The offers of securities/tickets will have validity until the celebration date of the event in question. The validity of the offers will be determined up to 3 business days before the scheduled date of the event being offered, subsequently passing, at that instant, to a last minute sales program that will be notified to the Seller in advance. The period of validity of the offers may vary depending on circumstances or events unrelated to the service.
2.3. Publication gratuity.
The publication of the offer shall be free of charge to the seller. Only the percentage in terms of a commission in favor of MONOTICKET, S.L., will be accrued, in the case of a successful transfer or effective sale of the offered security/ticket.
2.4. Credit or Debit Card.
The User must provide information of the valid credit card or debit card with an expiration date after the event.
The User authorizes MONOTICKET, S.L. to make the charges and debits resulting from the transactions and services rendered in accordance with the conditions established in this document.
2.5. Taxes associated with securities/ticket transactions.
In the event that securities/entry transactions are subject to levies, or taxes, it is the responsibility of the sellers to determine their type and amount in order to include them in the final price of the assignment. These charges are independent of the Value Added Tax levied by the mediation services provided by MONOTICKET S.L., to the Users of the Service.
2.6. Determination of the price of the offer by the seller.
The seller must set the price that he or she wants to receive from the sale of the tickets/tickets freely. The responsibility of fixing a price is exclusive of the seller, with MONOTICKET, S.L. not intervening in this action. The seller can modify the price he wishes to obtain in the transaction and thus vary the price of the offer at any time, until the offer has been accepted by a buyer.
2.7. Linking a seller with an accepted offer.
Once the sale has been confirmed, by e-mail, by MONOTICKET, S.L., the offer can no longer be modified or withdrawn and the seller must keep the tickets available to the buyer. Once the transaction is accepted, an email will be sent confirming the sale so that the buyer can make use of the owner's title acquired in this transaction.
MONOTICKET S.L. does not take responsibility for any modifications in the event, line-up or time of an event, nor in the case of a cancellation of a show or any other modification regarding the event.
2.8. Breach of the seller’s behalf. Penalisations.
MONOTICKET, S.L. will apply economic penalties to all sellers who do not complete the transfer process of tickets successfully, with a minimum fine of € 30.
Likewise, MONOTICKET, S.L. reserves the right to close or terminate accounts of any seller who fails to comply with the terms set forth in this document. Such penalties shall be imposed in the following cases:
a) A ticket is sent later than the maximum period set for making submissions for the event;
b) A ticket that is different to the one published is sent, regardless of whether they are subjectively considered to be equal to, or better than, those published.
c) MONOTICKET S.L. has to activate its ticket replacement process in order to complete a purchase in which the seller has failed to fulfil their responsibility.
d) A refund is made to the buyer for any reason for which the seller is responsible for the failed transaction.
The charges will be applied automatically by MONOTICKET S.L if the seller has failed to abide by their responsibilities.
2.9. Penalty for late submission of entries.
Tickets in physical format or season season tickets must be sent (collected by courier service or delivered to a collection point) within a maximum period of 72 hours if the event is not forthcoming, as indicated in the notification by email. In the case that the event is coming soon (less than 6 calendar days) tickets in physical format must be sent within a maximum period of 48 hours.
Tickets in digital format must be uploaded to the website within a maximum period of 48 hours in the case that the event is to be carried out in more than or equal to 6 days. The upload instructions will be indicated in the email notification that the seller will receive.
In the case of the event being very close to date (less than 6 days), the maximum time for uploading the entries in the platform will be indicated in the notification sent to the seller via email.
In the case of this period being exceeded, the seller will be penalised for each delayed delivery.
2.10. Penalty for sending incorrect tickets that are accepted by the buyer.
In the case of tickets being sent that are not exactly those described in the advertisement, an economic sanction will be applied for these incorrect tickets. This fine will correspond to the amount that MONOTICKER, S.L.M discounts to the buyer so that they can accept the wrong tickets. This amount will be decided by MONOTICKET, S.L. and paid by the seller.
Therefore, the seller will receive the value of his sale minus any commission for the sale, and minus the amount resulting from the fine. In the event that the buyer DOES NOT accept the substitute tickets that are offered to him or her, the order will be considered as failed and a charge will be applied for an error in the order. The following cases are considered incorrect tickets:
Seats in a different row than the one posted
Seats in a different sector than the one advertised
Seats located in a higher area than advertised, regardless of the distance to the stage
Any change from a Reserved Seat to General Admission or vice versa
Seats where the client’s view of the premise is altered
Separate seats, when they should be together (this being mentioned in the advertisement).
Seats sold as “together” but not correlatively side-by-side.
Restrictions on tickets that have not been clearly described at the time of publication
Tickets belonging to a category that is not mentioned in the advert, with regards to the map featured on the purchase page.
2.11. Penalty for failed or incorrect orders.
MONOTICKET S.L considers the following cases to be unsuccessful:
· Not sent
· Incorrect tickets that the buyer does not accept.
When a seller does not send the tickets or sends incorrect tickets that the buyer does not accept, and MONOTICKET SL has to make a refund to the buyer or replace the order with another seller, the seller will not receive the value of the sale and must pay MONOTICKET SL an economic fine for this failed order. The seller may request MONOTICKET, S.L., to have the wrongly sent ticket returned, as long as the buyer does not accept this ticket.
2.12. Sending the tickets
The seller is solely responsible for sending the tickets. You should keep in mind that the delivery procedure varies depending on the courier company, the shipping distance and collection. This responsibility is exclusive of the seller, who must take into account:
The date of collection within the deadline for an event.
Correctly printing the delivery label.
Writing the address and contact information of the sender and recipient correctly.
Putting the right tickets according to the sale that has been made.
Sealing the envelope correctly with the tickets so that it does not open during the delivery process.
When there is a delivery label: make sure the courier passes the scanner through the label and registers collecting the envelope.
When there is no delivery label, make sure that the courier notes all the data and numbers of envelopes collected on the delivery note.
Save the delivery note or proof of collection of the courier that has taken the envelope.
If there were to be an incident in which the seller does not have the proof of collection or the scanner has not been used by the courier, MONOTICKET, SL, will be unable to verify that the package has been collected and therefore will attribute the seller as responsible, subsequently applying the penalties corresponding to the section of failed sales.
2.13. Sending tickets immediately.
By mentioning in the advert, “Are the entries ready to be sent? Yes, I already have them”, it is implied that the tickets will be “sent immediately”. The seller therefore agrees to send these tickets within 72 hours of the date of sale. After that period, MONOTICKET, S.L. can cancel the sale.
If the sale is not cancelled, the seller may be penalised for the late delivery of the tickets. This decision will be made exclusively by MONOTICKET, S.L., since it is who will decide if the sale is cancelled or the penalty for the late shipment of the same is carried out.
2.14. Collection of the transaction by the seller.
The payment of the transactions made by the seller will be paid by MONOTICKET, S.L. and in a manner that is selected by the party.
2.15. Term and conditions for the collection of the transaction by the seller.
The payment order for the sale will be carried out between 7 and 15 calendar days after the event has been held. The payment time will depend on the method of payment that has been selected.
2.16. Closing a user account.
MONOTICKET, S.L. Reserves the right of admission and exclusion of its platform. Any seller who does not comply with the stipulated rules may be excluded from the platform. MONOTICKET, S.L., reserves the right to cancel any sale from a seller when the account is closed. Once the account has been closed, all outstanding payments to the seller will be settled, after applying the relevant penalties if applicable.
3. Ticket purchases
3.1 Accepting an offer to buy tickets.
The buyer, who is interested in acquiring any of the ticket offers on sale, must expressly accept all the Terms and General Conditions.
Once these terms are accepted, the buyer will tacitly express an agreement over the prices established by the seller, the cost or commission of the mediation service carried out by the page, and the delivery costs that may be generated by the courier or transport service responsible for the delivery.
MONOTICKET, S.L. is not responsible for the actual events or for the possible and substantial modifications of these events. In no case will the amount paid by the buyer for the sale be refunded.
3.2 Acquiring the purchased good.
Once the purchase has been made, an email will be sent confirming the purchase or stating that the transaction is in pending verification. This email will always be sent to the email address provided by the buyer. This email will serve as proof that that the transaction has been made.
3.3 Ticket prices
The price for the ticket to be sold will be conditioned the following concepts:
· Price of the offer determined by the seller
· Shipping and delivery costs, if applicable
· Cost or commission of the intermediation service
3.4. Cost of the Intermediation Service for the purchase of tickets.
The use of this web portal entails a mediation service for all transactions carried out through this platform. The general cost of using this platform will accrue as follows:
· Along with the price of the tickets set by the seller in the offer, together with the shipping or delivery costs, if applicable, there will be an additional commission percentage for the fees of the intermediation service provided by MONOTICKET S.L.
· These fees will be subject to the Value Added Tax (VAT) in force at the time of the transaction.
· The final cost of the Service will be the sum of all the previous concepts
3.5. Electronic tickets.
In the case of purchase of electronic tickets, the buyer will receive these via email. The ticket will be sent on a PDF or in a similar format.
4. Guarantees of the use of MONOTICKET S.L.
MONOTICKET S.L. guarantees that users of the Service will have privacy and security in their transactions, the confidentiality of the data provided and the encryption of this data. All transaction processes and payments processes and payments to users will be processed through the terminals of financial entities with full guarantee of security and confidentiality.
4.1. Guarantees for sellers.
· MONOTICKET S.L. Guarantees the payment of transactions carried out by the seller in the terms established in the General Conditions described above.
· MONOTICKET S.L. Guarantees the management of the securities in all those aspects related to them that do not depend on the exclusive responsibility of the seller or buyer.
· MONOTICKET S.L. Guarantees the seller the possibility of changing the price of the published offer and to withdraw it until MONOTICKET, S.L. communicates, via email, that the sale is waiting to be accepted, or confirmed.
4.2. Guarantees for buyers.
MONOTICKET S.L. will provide all the means at their disposal to offer the buyer a service that provides reliability, security and transparency during the whole process of buying, selling and delivering the tickets both within the online platform and at the time of delivery and receipt of such securities by the buyer. For cases in which the provisions of the previous paragraph cannot be fulfilled, the buyer will be offered other tickets that meet the best conditions. If the delivery of these other tickets is not possible, MONOTICKET, S.L., will return the amounts paid by the buyer. The User acknowledges and agrees that the above responsibilities represent a reasonable risk, and that the pricing and other terms and conditions of this agreement are a reflection of this risk. MONOTICKET S.L. acts as an exchange platform between sellers and buyers and it is not responsible of dates rescheduled, changes, cancellations or any inconvenience derived from the promoter or the artist. If an event is cancelled officially (with no rescheduled), MONOTICKET S.L. will provide you with a full refund of your transaction.
5. Withdrawal
The Service covered by these Conditions is governed by the Spanish provisions on Consumer and User Protection and other Complementary Laws relating to distance contracts. In cases where such Spanish legislation, or the corresponding community regulations, is applicable, the user is informed of the possibility of withdrawing the operation, without incurring a penalty, and without obligation of justification, within fourteen (14) Calendar days following the date of conclusion of the service provision agreement. The right of withdrawal shall not apply, in the following cases:
· Once the legal term established for its exercise has been fulfilled
· The provision of accommodation services for purposes other than housing, transportation of goods, car rental, food or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts specify a date or specific implementation period.
· Once the event has been held, or on dates that are close to the event.
· Once the Service has been fully executed
· The user is informed about the possibility of withdrawing from the operation only when buying physical tickets (paper or season tickets).
In the event of withdrawal of the Service, it will be assumed that the purchase of the Service is also withdrawn, and MONOTICKET will return all payments received from the Service to the user without undue delay, and in any case within 14 calendar days from the withdrawal statement. Where applicable, the tickets will be returned to MONOTICKET under the same conditions as they were sold, to the same address as in the heading of these Conditions, without undue delay, and always within 14 calendar days after the communication of the withdrawal. MONOTICKET may retain the refund until it has received the tickets, or until the user submits proof of the return, depending on which condition is met first. The user is expressly informed that in case of withdrawal, he or she is obliged to bear the direct costs of return. MONOTICKET may terminate the Contract unilaterally:
· When there isn’t compliance with any of the Terms and Conditions
· When required by a competent administrative or judicial authority.
· If fraudulent use of the benefits of the page is detected.
· In any other case at the discretion of MONOTICKET.
In the latter case, MONOTICKET will notify the termination of the contract at least one month in advance and in writing.
For these purposes, the Withdrawal Document found in this document can be used. The right of withdrawal may be made by sending the subscription of the MONOTICKET website, by mail to Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nº10 Nave 1, 28021, Madrid, indicating in all cases the reason for withdrawal.
Member data:
National ID:
Registration Email:
To the attention of:
Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nº10 Nave 1
28021, Madrid
As of ________ I signed an agreement with MONOTICKET S.L. Registering as a Member of MONOTICKET.
Within the term granted in the General Conditions of 14 calendar day since hiring Monoticket, I hereby exercise the right of withdrawal, in the terms regulated in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, by which the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users is approved.
In ____________, on _____ of ____________, of 20_
6. Promotional offers by MONOTICKET.
MONOTICKET reserves the right to apply discounts and promotions on the amount of the services it provides. These discounts will be duly announced in the sales portal.
7. Communications and/or Notifications.
Users will receive all notifications related to the service provided by MONOTICKET by e-mail. These communications will be considered for all purposes as effective and will be carried out in the following manner:
· Email sent to the address provided by the user in the registration form.
· Through messages sent on the Portal during the provision of Services.
· With this, all notifications or communications made by the user to the user will be considered valid if they have been made using the data and through the means previously indicated. For these purposes, the user declares that all the information provided by him is true and correct, and agrees to communicate all changes related to relevant notification data.
8. Shipping and delivery service
8.1. Sending tickets via the seller
The seller is responsible for sending any tickets sold and managed by him. Shipping and delivery procedures must be taken into account and any variations in it depending on the different courier companies that can be used. Usually, the shipment of tickets must be made between two and three days after their sale.
Therefore, it is important to:
· The collection of tickets is requested within the deadline for the event.
· Shipping and delivery labels are printed correctly.
· The address and contact information of both the sender and the recipient is written correctly.
· Put the correct tickets with regards to the sale that has been made.
· Ensure that all delivery elements are correct and well placed according to the regulations.
· Ensure that the receipt or proof or delivery is saved.
8.2. Electronic Tickets
If the seller fails to upload or send the correct tickets described in the advertisement, MONOTICKET will charge the corresponding penalty for unsuccessful shipments. If the seller loads or e-mails an invalid PDF (or other format) file, or creates their own file by scanning or photocopying paper tickets, this will cause the sale to be cancelled and the corresponding administrative charges to the seller will be charged. The electronic tickets will be sent between one and five days before the beginning of the event.
8.3. Delivery costs:
Delivery and shipping costs are subject to the National Posting fees with which MONOTICKET, S.L. works. At the moment taking into account: - Deliveries to the Peninsula € 0 (except for those tickets whose purchase value is equal to or higher than € 20 which will have a minimum shipping cost of € 5).
- Shipments to the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla the costs will be calculated according to the price of the customs taking into account the tariffs applied by them. In any case you can see the shipping costs when purchasing ticket/s prior to their payment.
- International Shipping, expenses will be calculated according to the courier operator and their standard rates for international services by adding indirect costs such as customs, shipping or other character.
9. Obligation to make correct use of the portal and services
The User agrees to use the Portal and the Services in accordance with the law, the Terms of Service and other notices, regulations of use and instructions made to his or her knowledge, as well as with morality and generally accepted good practices and public order . The User will not use the portal for purposes that may be harmful to the rights of third parties, or in any way that may damage or deteriorate the use of such services, equipment or documents and files of any kind stored in MONOTICKET.
10. Obligation to make correct use of content
The User agrees to use the content of this portal in a correct way and agrees to refrain from:
· Reproducing, copying, distributing, or way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents in any other way, unless the authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights is legally permitted;
· Deleting, manipulating or altering in any other way the "copyright" and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of MONOTICKET S.L., or its holders, digital fingerprints or any other technical means established for their recognition. .
11. Use of hyperlinks that allow access to the web pages of the portal and to the services.
Persons wishing to include a hyperlink on the website must meet the following requirements:
· The Hyperlink will only allow access to the homepage of the Portal.
· a frame will not be created on the web pages of the Portal;
· it will not be declared or implied that MONOTICKET has authorized the hyperlink or assumed in any way the services offered web in which the Hyperlink is established;
· the hyperlink will not contain information or illegal content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order
12. Industrial and intellectual property.
All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Portal are the property of MONOTICKET SL, or third parties, without it being understood that the use or access to the Portal and the Services attributes any rights on these trademarks, Trade names and / or distinctive signs to the User. The contents are industrial or intellectual property owned by MONOTICKET, and cannot be assigned to the User, pursuant to the provisions of these Terms, the rights of Users are those determined in these conditions of use.
13. Guarantees and responsibility: Exclusions for these.
13.1. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the operation of the Portal and the Services provided.
MONOTICKET S.L., does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Portal, reserving this functionality to determined services.
MONOTICKET S.L., will warn before any interruptions occur that may affect the operation of its Portal and its services.
MONOTICKET S.L. excludes itself from any liability for damages of any nature that may result due to a lack of availability or continuity regarding the functionality of the portal and the services, or the fraud that Users may have attributed to the portal and the Services, the fallibility of the portal and the services, and in particular, but not exclusively, failures when accessing different web pages of the portal or those within the provided services.
13.2 Guarantees and Responsibility: Exclusions regarding content:
MONOTICKET is not responsible for the accuracy, veracity and timeliness of specific details such as the date, venue and time of the concerts, shows or any event that may be susceptible of modifications by it owners, promoters, producers or parties that are directly responsible for these decisions, excluding any responsibility for the damages and losses that may arise from these changes.
MONOTICKET S.L. does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other computer elements that may cause alterations to computer systems, excluding itself from any alteration that may occur to these computer systems, documents or user files.
14. Suspension of service
MONOTICKET S.L. may withdraw or suspend the Services to those Users who fail to comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice.
15. Protection of personal data. Use of cookies:
MONOTICKET complies with the guidelines established within the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law, among other regulations that are valid at all times, and ensures that the user's personal data is correctly used and processed, informing all users of the website that they are providing or will provide their personal data, which will be incorporated into an automated file containing this personal information. The purpose of this file will be the collection of Personal Data, exclusively for management and administration purposes, in order to allow the proper development of the business. In the case of subscriptions to MONOTICKET newsletters or emailing lists, the purpose of these will be the informing of events, promotions and any type of information related to the company's activity as well to inform about changes in conditions.
For this, along with each form with collected personal data, in each service that the user can request from MONOTICKET, the user will be informed of the existence and required acceptance of the specific terms and conditions regarding the treatment of their personal data, whilst also being informed of the responsibility regarding the created file, the provided address, the possibility of carrying out their access rights, rectification, cancellation or withdrawal, and the purpose of data processing and the provision of data communication to third parties. Also, Avanzadi Digital Solutions S.L. confirms that it complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and will request consent when processing emails for commercial purposes at any given time.
By registering on, the user provides MONOTICKET, S.K. with personal data, such as their full names and surnames; Email address and telephone numbers; details regarding bank accounts or credit cards, depending on the user’s chosen method of payment.
In any case, MONOTICKET guarantees that the user can exercise their access rights, rectification, cancellation, information and withdrawal, in the terms established in the current legislation. Therefore, in accordance to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), the user may carry out their rights by sending an express request, along with a copy of their ID, via or to the following address: Calle Laguna del Marquesado, nº10 Nave 1 28021 (Madrid). Likewise, the user may unsubscribe from any of the subscription services by following the indications that will be sent to their email or via the link
16. Duration of the service and its completion.
The provision of the service will last for an indefinite period of time.
MONOTICKET, S.L, reserves the right to suspend or terminate the services when it deems appropriate, advising as far in advance as possible of this termination.
17. Jurisdiction and applicable regulations.
The provision of the service of this website and the present Conditions of use are governed by the common Spanish law and mercantile law.
The parties will submit the disputes arising from the compliance and interpretation of these Conditions to the competent Courts and Tribunals pursuant to Article 90.2 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence Of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.
Likewise, as an entity adhering to Confianza Online and in terms of its Code of Ethics, in the case of disputes relating to hiring and advertising Online, Data Protection and Protection of Minors, the user may go to the system of Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution with Confianza Online ( Notwithstanding the parties aforementioned will do everything reasonably necessary to resolve disputes in a friendly manner.